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Version: v1.x

MACI versioning and release process

This document outlines the approach to versioning and releasing the MACI project. The primary goal here is to set clear expectations and provide a consistent user experience for developers integrating MACI and its packages.

MACI code

MACI code consists 3 core parts: Circom circuits, Solidity contracts and JS (TS) libraries, from which we release a total of 7 NPM packages. See the codebase overview for more details.

MACI versioning

MACI follows the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer).

All MACI packages are organized in our monorepo and follow a global release approach, meaning that all packages have the same version.

Currently, MACI core team manually decides when to release and what the version should be. Packages are released automatically via CI when a new tag is created in GitHub. You can view our releases and tags in GitHub.

MACI Release Process

To release a new version of MACI, follow these steps:


Version number '1.2.3' is used here as an example. You should replace the version number '1.2.3' with the version number you are planning to release

  1. Verify that tests have passed on GitHub Actions

  2. Clone maci:

git clone
  1. Switch to the dev branch:
git checkout dev
  1. Install required dependencies:
pnpm install
  1. Run lerna version to update CHANGELOG and version numbers of sub-packages:
pnpm exec lerna version --no-push --no-git-tag-version --conventional-commits 1.2.3
  1. Commit changes:
git commit --message "chore(release): publish 1.2.3"
  1. Push changes and create a pull request

After the pull request has been merged:

  1. Retrieve merged commit

  2. Add a tag:

git tag --sign v1.2.3 --message v1.2.3
  1. Publish tag:
git push v1.2.3

Once the tag is pushed, GitHub Actions will automatically publish the packages to npm.js and create a release on GitHub.

The following packages will be published on NPM: